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Al Borg Laboratory

3 Locations

Medical Check-up and Tests at Al Borg Laboratory

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Experienced doctors provide medical check-ups and tests to help patients take care of their own health

About This Deal

Choose from 14 Options

  • AED199 for basic full-body check-up

  • AED399 for basic full body check-up + vitamin D

  • AED299 for extended full-body blood test profile

  • AED599 for comprehensive full-body blood test profile

  • AED1,500 for food intolerance test profile (200+ parameters)

  • AED199 for ciabetes and lipid blood test profile

  • AED199 for liver blood test profile

  • AED299 for heart health check blood test profile

  • AED299 for thyroid blood test profile

  • AED299 for kidney and electrolytes blood test profile

  • AED299 for arthritis and gout blood test profile

  • AED399 for anaemia blood test profile (iron deficiency)

  • AED499 for male cancer blood test profile

  • AED499 for female cancer blood test profile

    • An allergy blood test checks for antibodies in your blood. It may help detect allergies to foods, pets, pollen or other substances

    • Basic full body check-up

      • CBC, ALT, AST, FBS, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Urea, Creatinine, Calcium
    • Basic full body check-up + Vitamin D

      • CBC, ALT, AST, FBS, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Urea, Creatinine, Calcium, VitaminD
    • Extended full-body blood test profile

      • CBC, ESR, FBS, Lipid Profile, Renal Function Profile, Liver Function Profile, Urine Analysis
    • Comprehensive full-body blood test profile

      • CBC, ESR, FBS, Hba1c, Iron, Vitamin D, Thyroid Profile, Lipid Profile, Renal Profile, Liver Function Test, Urine analysis
    • Diabetes and lipid blood test profile

      • FBS, HbA1C, Lipid Profile
    • Liver blood test profile

      • Protein Total, Albumin, Globulin, Bilirubin Total, Bilirubin Direct, ALP, ALT, AST, GGT
    • Heart health check blood test profile

      • Lipid Profile, CRP, CKMB
    • Thyroid blood test profile

      • FT3, FT4, TSH
    • Kidney and electrolytes blood test profile

      • Urea, Uric Acid, Creatinine, Calcium, Potassium, Chloride, Sodium, Phosphorus, Protein Total, Albumin, Globulin, CBC, Urine Analysis
    • Arthritis and gout blood test profile

      • CBC, ESR, ANA, Rheumatoid Factor, Kidney Function Profile
    • Anaemia blood test profile (iron deficiency)

      • CBC, Iron, TIBC, Ferritin, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12
    • Male cancer blood test profile

      • CEA, AFP, CA 19.9, CBC, PSA total and free, stool occult blood
    • Female cancer blood test profile

      • CEA, AFP, CA 125, CA 19.9, CA 15.3, CBC, stool occult blood

Cosmetic procedures should be sought for therapeutic or reconstructive reasons only.

*** * Necessary precautions and safety measures must be strictly adhered to safeguard public health. Cosmetic procedures should be sought for therapeutic or reconstructive reasons only. This advertisement permission was granted by MOH based on the professional /activity licenses for both advertising facility and its healthcare providers who should deliver the service / products in accordance with the regulations and the standards set by the licensing authority. MOH is ABSOLUTELY NOT part of this deal or any of its terms. Buying the deal is exclusively the responsibility of the consumer. This ad is approved by the Ministry of Health. License No.MOHFG28941-18/01/2024/8IVNINF6-180123***

Fine Print

No booking required. Prior booking/cancellation (subject to availability) at least 24 hours in advance. Expires 31 January 2024. Patients are encouraged to seek independent medical advice before embarking on invasive surgery. Consultation included; full refund if found unsuitable. Valid only for option purchased. May be repurchased every 30 days. Groupon prices are inclusive of VAT where applicable. See the rules that apply to all deals. Limit 10 per person. Offer is not eligible for our promo codes or other discounts.

About Al Borg Laboratory

Al Borg Laboratory is there to help people take care of their own health. A team of doctors provides a variety of services to aid their patients on their journey to wellness.

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