Cars can be restored to their former glory and kept this way thanks to this washing service
Groupon Customer Reviews
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All Groupon reviews are from people who have redeemed deals with this merchant. Review requests are sent by email to customers who purchased the deal.About This Deal
- Manual wash
- Service area: Dubai or Sharjah or Abu Dhabi locations
See List 1 and List 2 for valid locations
Fine Print
Valid only for option purchased. May be repurchased every 30 days. Groupon prices are inclusive of VAT where applicable. See the rules that apply to all deals. Limit 2 per person.
About Q2 Headlight Clinic
Q2 Headlight Clinic is the master franchiser of GeoWash; an international mobile car wash service which is currently existing in more than 25 countries. Geowash serves prestige shopping malls, offices, hotels and shopping centres in different emirates.